Don’t let outdated methods hold you back. Learn about this groundbreaking opportunity today, uncovering your potential so you can understand how to move forward in your business.
This offering is not a “therapy group,” though the experience is inherently therapeutic. The intention is to deepen your understanding of yourself and ketamine through personal exploration. Experiencing the journey in a group setting enhances connection with colleagues and also provides a unique perspective to inform your work with your clients or ways to expand your personal direction and strengths.
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Teen Group
Anxious & Struggling
A group experience for those discovering who they are. LGBTQ, Bioptic, Unsure, Worried, this group is for your child. Call today.
Self Care
Discover how taking care of yourself can help you better take care of others. Explore the idea that self-care shows you really care.
Lake Martin
Holistic Weekend
Come let our guide gurus move you through a weekend of expression and self discovery. All-inclusive retreat from rooms, meals to events.